July 24, 2024

“HKU Mentorship – Graduates in Beijing” 2023 -24

2023 師友計劃(北京)啟航近一年,mentor 和 mentee 們以校友身份為起點,走過一段亦師亦友,互相扶持、共同成長的旅程,從陌生到熟悉,從舊生到好友,時光流淌,情誼長存。
May 16, 2024

[Southern California] Lifelong Mentorship

Vivian (LLB 2023, mentee since 2022) first met her mentor Dr Peter Poon during her exchange programme in August 2022. Their mentor-mentee relationship continues to thrive as Vivian pursues graduate studies at the University of Southern California. Recently, she joined Dr Poon and his recent mentee Emily, in Beverly Hills […]
May 10, 2024

[Australia] Welcome to NSW HKU Mentees!

  Mentorship Lunch – 14th April 2024 All mentors and mentees were gathered together in the heart of Chinatown on Sunday 14th April for the launch of HKU Mentorship Program. We shared our cultural experience in Sydney as a warm-up activity and got to know each other better through yum […]
January 19, 2024


「師友計劃2022-2023」(北京) | Mentor & Mentee 故事分享
January 12, 2024

港大師友計劃 Mentorship(北京) HKU Mentorship – Graduates in Beijing

「師友計劃2022-2023」(北京) | Mentor & Mentee 故事分享