[Australia] Welcome to NSW HKU Mentees!


Mentorship Lunch – 14th April 2024

All mentors and mentees were gathered together in the heart of Chinatown on Sunday 14th April for the launch of HKU Mentorship Program. We shared our cultural experience in Sydney as a warm-up activity and got to know each other better through yum cha at the iconic Emperor’s Garden. A group photo was taken outside the restaurant under the “Within the four seas all men are brothers” gateway to Chinatown. 

(In the photos) Alumni and Mentors Cheng Chung Sze, Nancy Wong, Joanna Lau, Francis Au, George Wong, Cathy Lam, Scarlet Fung and William Poon welcomed mentees of this semester: Iwan Siew, Guo Sheung Yu, Tsui Ka Yan, Mau Lok Yi, Christy Ng, Clinton Chow, Will Li, Michelle Lee and Laura Lou.

Grand Cliff Top Walk, Blue Mountains – 28th April 2024

Some of our mentees joined in our regular monthly Blue Mountains hike organised by alumni and local resident Ken Poon.  We have hiked 9km of the brand new Grand Top Cliff Walk that was recently opened. The hike traverses along the cliff top of the World Heritage listed Blue Mountains National Park with world-class vistas and waterfalls. 

Left to right – Joanna Lau, non-HKU member, Mentees Iwan Siew and Clinton Chow, Sze Cheng, Ken Poon and Nancy Wong


Young Professional Network event – 29th April 2024

Our mentees also participated in the monthly HKUAA NSW Young Professional Networking event in the Sydney CBD. Mentees learnt about the working culture in Australia and the various professional fields that our alumni are working in over a drink after work and studies. 


Tell us how your HKU Mentorship journey is going! Share your story & photos via the website www.mentorship.hku.hk/mlogin or email us at mentor@hku.hk



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