HKU Mentorship - Graduates in Beijing

Tips for Mentors

HKU Mentorship – Graduates in Beijing

Unique Features:

  • A partnership between the HKU Development & Alumni Affairs Office (DAAO) and the HKU Beijing Alumni Network;
  • Year-long mentorship, which may lead to a lifelong friendship;
  • Mentors: alumni with 10+ years’ working experience in Beijing; passionate about helping the next generation of graduates to unlock their career potential with advice and inspiration, and helping them grow networks;
  • Mentees: HKU undergraduates or postgraduates who graduated within the past two years, with a confirmed plan to work in Beijing within 6 months from the application date. Priority will be given to applicants with less working experience;
  • Mentors will serve on a pro-bono basis, and no charge for mentees to join this programme;
    Mentors 是港大校友回饋母校,以志願者身份對師弟妹的扶持;而 Mentees 亦無須支付任何費用;
  • Pairing: 1 mentor to 1 or 2 mentees;
  • Matching criteria: based on mentee’s aspirations and mentor’s experience.

MENTORS are expected to:
我們對 Mentors 的期望:

  • become Friends, Listeners, Role Models, Advocates, Supporters, Critics, Networkers and more… give advice the best you can or direct mentees to find the answers;
    承擔起朋友、傾聽者、導師、支持者、批評者、溝通者的角色,為 mentees 提供建議、分享經驗,引導他們尋找答案;
  • arrange and agree with mentees the goals, frequency and formats of interactions e.g. online + offline options;
  • stay in touch with mentees and meet in person at least 4 times a year;
    保持聯絡,一年最少見面 4 次;
  • share your experience or observations, and help mentees better adapt to the environment of Beijing;
    分享自己的經驗與觀察,幫助 mentees 更好適應北京的環境;
  • invite mentees for individual or group gatherings; home or workplace visits, lunches or dinners, outdoor or cultural activities; corporate events or community service;
    邀請 mentees 會面,邀請她/他參與家庭聚會、參觀辦公室;參加戶外或文化活動,一起參加公司活動或社區服務項目等;
  • connect your mentees with friends, co-workers or family;
    介紹 mentees 認識自己的朋友、同事或家人;
  • help mentees find their passions, strengths and limitations, and inspire them to explore possibilities and aspirations; sometimes your mentees may come to you with their unconventional ideas or grandiose ambitions – please consider evaluating whether their ideas might work (or otherwise) and help them to think from different perspectives;
    幫助 mentees 找尋自己的志向,了解自己的優勢與局限,鼓勵他們發掘自身更多的可能。當他們有些看似天馬行空的想法時,傾聽並幫助他們評估想法的可行性,再給予建議或幫助他們從不同角度思考問題;
  • value the individuality of each mentee. Focus on your mentee’s development and potential, diversity is key;
  • provide feedback and give permission to the Programme Facilitators to share photos and stories of your mentorship moments on the Mentorship Website and social media to inspire others.

Mentors are reminded NOT to:
我們提醒 Mentors 不應

  • give mentees expensive gifts or pick up bill every time;
    贈送貴重的禮物予 mentees,或為每次聚會買單;
  • help mentees, in actual terms, to secure a job;
    幫助 mentees 找工作;
  • disclose information of mentees without their consent; maintain confidentiality and protect the privacy of mentees;
    未經同意泄露 mentees 的隱私;
  • let emails / messages from mentees go unanswered; a short reply saying you will be in touch will suffice during busy times;
    不回覆 mentees 的郵件或訊息;
  • be involved in verbal, written (incl. text messages) or physical conduct that may be insensitive or unwelcomed by your mentees. HKU’s Policies on Equal Opportunities, Sexual Discrimination or Harassment, and Disability Discrimination:
    做任何不適當並可能引起 mentees 不快的言行舉止。詳情參閲港大關於平等機會、殘疾歧視、性別歧視或性騷擾的指引:

Evaluation 項目評估:

Feedback will be collected from mentors and mentees throughout the year.
項目負責人將不定期向 mentors 及 mentees 收集意見。

  • Mentees who fail to achieve the desired standards, e.g. being unresponsive or irresponsible, misconduct, will be reminded of their responsibilities as a Mentee and may be disqualified;
    Mentees 如長期不回覆信息,做出不負責任或言行失當行為,將可能被中止資格;
  • Mentees’ comments will be considered in the re-invitation of mentors after one year.
    Mentees 的評價將作爲 mentors 是否續任的參考因素。