Socially conscious


“My mentor Mr Eric Tse is loved by many people around him. He has done a lot of good deeds for society and is always willing to lend a hand to those in need. Each time I met him, he invited me to a socially meaningful gathering or activity; for example, a joint alumni gathering for Hong Kong-based institutions’ graduates in Singapore and an activity organised by Orbis, an NGO that helps the visually impaired. I was really moved by his care for mentees and people in need. Also, I realised that I was seeing an admirable alumnus doing socially meaningful job, i.e., serving as the president of the HKUAA Singapore Chapter and a regular sponsor of Orbis, while also managing companies abroad. After spending time with him, I resolved to lead a more socially responsible life, not merely caring about my own self-interest.

I was invited by Eric to join a post-Mid-Autumn alumni gathering where I could share and mingle with other exchange students and alumni based in Singapore. The last picture was taken before I left Singapore. Being a regular sponsor of Orbis, Eric invited me to an activity organised by the NGO.  I experienced eating lunch with my eyes bandaged. I can certainly say that after this experience I became more empathic towards people suffering challenges that people like me do not have to.” Eugene (right) and mentor Eric (in the first photo)

Mentor in Singapore: Mr Eric Tse
Outgoing Exchange Mentee (2019-2020): Eugene Back (BSocSc[PPA]), student from South Korea on exchange in Singapore


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