Generational friends



“One of the most memorable experiences was the trip my mentor Dr Nicolas Yeung and I took to Guangxi. First we visited an old friend of his for a few days, after which we joined the research trip organised by the HKU Civil Engineering Department for another two days. I felt so humbled to have been exposed to all his wonderful friends and all the beautiful places. Travelling is a whole new sort of experience if a friend takes you along and shows you his world. Still reflecting on that trip, I feel like I learnt many things in many ways during that short week, especially since it’s always refreshing sharing thoughts with Nicolas. If we didn’t, and we could sit quietly next to one another on the train. All is well. It made me realise how valuable it is to have a friend who is not your age. We are in different stages of life, but ultimately we reflect on the same things in life.” Hannah Den Boer, exchange student from The Netherlands.

Dr Nicolas Yeung is the chairman of Project Mingde (明德工程), a programme under HKU’s Civil Engineering Department that aims to foster the personal growth of students through experiential learning and participation in various real-life projects and providing education in impoverished localities on the Chinese Mainland.

Mentor since 2005: Dr Nicolas Yeung
Incoming Exchange Mentee (2016-17): Hannah Den Boer, Cultural Anthropology of the University of Amsterdam

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