Good times in two cities

“Alex is a friendly and nice person. When we met him, we discussed a lot about issues happening in Hong Kong. I was impressed that Alex cares so much about things happening in Hong Kong even years after his exchange at HKU (back in 2005). I learnt the viewpoint of a foreigner towards the issues of Hong Kong. I also got some advice from Alex on career development after graduation. It was great talking to him. Alex shared his experience during his studies, especially his exchange in Hong Kong. This encouraged me to think again what I wanted to achieve in my exchange.” Herman Tse (BEng[CE] Year 3)

“Alex enthused about his life in Hong Kong. He is very positive towards Hong Kong. The interaction with our mentor consolidated our understanding about Germany and helped us compare the two diverse places – Germany and Hong Kong.” David Tsang (BSc[Boc] Year 3)

In the photo: Mentor Alexander Park took a walk with mentees Herman and David around Heidelberg.

Mentor in Mannheim, Germany: Mr Alexander Park, mentor since 2015
Outgoing Exchange Mentees (2016-17): Herman Tse and David Tsang













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