Oct 14 | 樂見台灣:作曲大師之夜 | Grand Hall

Wen-pin Chien & Kaohsiung Symphony Orchestra

Date: Saturday, October 14, 2017
Time: 20:00 to 21:30
Venue: Grand Hall, Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre, Centennial Campus, HKU
Language: Putonghua

由國際著名指揮簡文彬帶領高雄市交響樂團,演奏四位當代重要台灣作曲家的原創及在地作品 - 包括郭芝苑取材自台灣歌謠的《民歌與採茶舞》、馬水龍曾獲中山文藝創作獎的《孔雀東南飛》、李元貞關注台灣當代議題的作品間奏曲《商》、以及錢南章根據南島曲調素材所作的《四首南島藝術歌曲》。四首曲目皆蘊含濃厚的本土特色,引領香港觀眾遊歷台灣獨特風味與人文記憶。

In the middle of the twentieth century, Taiwanese composers began to preserve local musical cultures, especially of their aboriginal tribes, by infusing elements from their own heritage with the Western musical architecture. Under the baton of Wen-pin Chien, the Kaohsiung Symphony Orchestra will bring us an evening of four important Taiwanese contemporary works by Chih-yuan Kuo, Shui-long Ma, Yuan-chen Li, and Nan-chang Chien.

FREE Admission. Registration required

Details: http://www.muse.hku.hk/en/programmes/2017-18/kso

Programme by Cultural Management Office, HKU




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